Unblock entertainment content in different countries more easily
Access streaming services following these simple steps
Go to the Chrome Web Store and add FastVPN.
Add the Chrome extension to your browser.
Login and connect to a VPN server.
Connect to USA, UK, and Canada servers in seconds
Connect to international servers and stream your favorite entertainment videos, movies, and sport shows.
Stream with just one click and instantly connect to a FastVPN server.
Add the FastVPN extension with ease and unlock a world of entertainment content.
Unblock international content for less
FastVPN | Nord VPN | Express VPN | Surfshark | |
Monthly Plan | $0.99/mo | $12.99/mo | $12.95/mo | $12.95/mo |
1-Year Plan | $12.00 $1.00/mo | $59.88 $4.99/mo | $99.84 $8.32/mo | $47.88 $3.99/mo |
The details in the comparison table were correct as for August 08, 2023.
The information for each competitor may not include certain features, functionalities or quantities and is subject to change.
Save up to 65% 1-year plan or get a 1-month plan for only $0.99
For more info on how to set up FastVPN on Chrome read our detailed guide.