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Add the FastVPN streaming extension to Chrome

Unblock entertainment content in different countries more easily

How to set up FastVPN on Google Chrome

Access streaming services following these simple steps


Step 1

Go to the Chrome Web Store and add FastVPN.


Step 2

Add the Chrome extension to your browser.


Step 3

Login and connect to a VPN server.

Explore the Internet without limitations

Connect to USA, UK, and Canada servers in seconds


Unblock any site you want

Connect to international servers and stream your favorite entertainment videos, movies, and sport shows.


One-click connect

Stream with just one click and instantly connect to a FastVPN server.


Use on any Chrome desktop

Add the FastVPN extension with ease and unlock a world of entertainment content.

Get the best VPN price for your Chrome browser

Unblock international content for less

 FastVPNNord VPNExpress VPNSurfshark
Monthly Plan$0.99/mo$13.49/mo$12.95/mo$15.45/mo
1-Year Plan

The details in the comparison table were correct as for November 06, 2024.
The information for each competitor may not include certain features, functionalities or quantities and is subject to change.

Choose your FastVPN plan

Save up to 65% 1-year plan or get a 1-month plan for only $0.99

1-year plan


You pay $12.00. Renews at $34.56

65% Off

Get 1-year plan

Monthly plan


Renews at $7.88 / month

87% Off

Get 1-month plan
money back30-day money-back guarantee

Frequently asked questions

FastVPN's browser extension connects your Google Chrome browser to a proxy server, encrypting your Wi-Fi connection by routing it through our international servers.
The FastVPN Chrome extension enables you to unblock entertainment content and games.
The FastVPN Chrome extension hides your IP address and secures your Internet connection. It only works within your Google Chrome browser, though. So if you leave your browser and start using another app, your connection will no longer receive protection.
  1. Open the Google Chrome browser
  2. Go to Google Web Store
  3. Search for "FastVPN for Streaming"
  4. Click on the FastVPN icon extension
  5. Add FastVPN to Chrome
  6. Open FastVPN on the extension bar and complete a setup.

For more info on how to set up FastVPN on Chrome read our detailed guide.

Visit our Knowledgebase →

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